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2025 Woolorama Trade Fair Terms & Conditions


  • Cancellations prior to the 30th December will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellation received after the 30th December and before the 31st January will receive a refund of minus $100 for services rendered.
  • Refunds on cancellations after the 31st January are not guaranteed.

Insurance & Damages

    1. While 24 hours supervision is in place from Thursday 6th March until Sunday morning 9th March, the Wagin Agricultural Society will NOT BE held liable for any loss or damage to Exhibitor’s property whilst on the showgrounds.
    2. Exhibitors must hold their own Public Liability Insurance as cover against claims made by any person on their site.
    3. Exhibitors shall be responsible for any damages to sites, water pipes, reticulation, electricity cables, holes in asphalt etc. it is your responsibility to inform your marquee providers.
      1. Coloured lines are used to mark danger (including power, telephone, water pipes and cables that run underground).
      2. only grass and gravel sites can be pegged; marquees on bitumen and paved sites must be weighed down. It is your responsibility to inform your marquee providers.
    4. The Exhibitor is responsible for all damage to property or personal injury that arises in connection with their display area however caused indirectly or directly by the Exhibitor or any related party or any act of omission of any such person or by any exhibit, machinery or any agent (e.g. marquee erector) of theirs.
    5. The Exhibitor is prohibited from allowing patrons to trial product on show grounds.

Disclaimer & Indemnity

    1. To ensure we maintain the highest possible standard and range of exhibits, the Wagin Agricultural Society reserves the right to accept or reject any application.  PLEASE NOTE NO SILLY STRING OR FLICK KNIVES TO BE SOLD ON SHOW GROUNDS
    2. Each trade fair site application is subject to scrutiny by the Committee prior to acceptance, and all entrants agree that their entries shall be considered by the Committee, which shall be entitled without being obliged to give reasons, to grant, to refuse, or to apply conditions to any entry.
    3. No refunds will be made to Exhibitors not presenting passes at the gate. No Pass = No Entry. Please check that passes are provided to relevant personnel, prior to arrival.
    4. Failure by Exhibitors to appear at the Woolorama will be considered a breach of contract, and no refund of monies will be made.
    5. If the Committee should find it necessary or expedient to cancel or postpone the Woolorama, contracts shall cease to operate upon notice to that effect, and the Committee shall not be liable for any compensation or refund to exhibitors.
    6. The Wagin Agricultural Society is not responsible for any damage to electrical equipment, caused by fluctuating power or overloads. It is recommended that all cords and electrical items be tagged and tested and in date to ensure safety.

Event Conduct & Regulations


  1. Site fee includes ground/floor space only with exhibitor and vehicle passes.
  2. Exhibitors sharing a site must notify the Trade Fair Secretary to ensure all exhibitors are included in the program.
  3. All display material must be on-site by 5pm on Thursday 6th March, 2025 and CANNOT be removed until 5pm on Saturday 8th March 2025 unless by prior arrangement. Woolorama Officials will be monitoring Exhibitors leaving early, offending Exhibitors may have future applications denied.
  4. All sites must be cleared by Monday 10th March 2025 by 5pm unless otherwise arranged with the Trade Fair Secretary.  MARQUEES ON OVAL MUST BE REMOVED BY TUESDAY 11TH MARCH 2025 BY 5PM.
  5. Trade Fair hours: Friday 7th March 9am-6pm (except Sideshow Alley, Food Areas which close at 9pm) and Saturday 8th March 9am - 5pm and all Exhibitors must be open for business during these times.
  6. No Exhibitor camping is permitted on the showgrounds prior to Wednesday 5th March. Bookings to be made via the Site Application Form or through the Trade Fair Secretary.
  7. Exhibitors are to ensure that all merchandise and marquee pegs remain within their site boundary. Marquee designs are all different and exhibitors need to request information regarding pegs on structures.
  8. No roofs are allowed on marquees on indoor sites (Home & Lifestyle Pavilion).
  9. Applications to erect permanent fixtures must be made to the Committee in writing.
  10. All vehicles must be parked in allocated parking areas by 8am Friday, and no movement of vehicles is permitted on showground during show hours (including the trial of smaller vehicles).
  11. Electric power will be available to commercial sites for a fee. No power will be supplied unless applied for on the Site Application form. The Committee is under no obligation to supply power and or extension cords etc. No personal generators allowed.
  12. Urns, air-conditioning and electric cooking equipment are discouraged due to power overloading problems.
  13. No fire of any form is permitted on the Wagin Showgrounds.
  14. No public address systems are to be used, apart from the official broadcasting system provided. No raffle tickets are to be sold anywhere on the Wagin Showgrounds during the Woolorama without prior consent from the Committee. Exhibitors are not allowed to hand out material, or erect posters anywhere other than their own site.
  15. Biosecurity at our agricultural show is your responsibility. All Exhibitors to be aware of any contamination risks within their displays. Please dispose of rubbish in the correct manner.

Exhibitors found to be ignoring these warnings will be asked to leave the event.

  1. All sites must be left in a reasonable condition prior to departure, and all exhibitors are expected to co-operate in an effort to keep the display area in a clean condition.
  2. If you are exhibiting livestock in any outdoor area, water and shade must be available at all times.
  3. To enable a high standard of site security, Exhibitors are not permitted to sleep on their individual sites. All accommodation caravans MUST be parked in the Exhibitor Camping area.
  4. All buildings will be locked by the Committee at 9pm on Thursday and at the end of Trade Fair trading on Friday. Buildings will be opened by 7.30am on Friday and Saturday. A strong police presence is maintained during show hours. 24-hour grounds supervision is engaged to patrol the Wagin showgrounds from Thursday 7pm until Sunday 6am. Please ensure you secure your site appropriately before leaving on the Thursday and Friday nights. Direct any enquiries to the Woolorama Office.

Food Vendors & Liquor Licensing

  1. a. Exhibitors wishing to provide or sell alcohol in any form must apply for an on-site liquor licence as per government regulations. Applying for a licence does not grant automatic licensing. Applications are required by 18th November 2024. Contact the Trade Fair Secretary for details or visit our website.
  3. b. All food and drink vendors are required to provide a list of all products and/or menus and the prices at which they are being sold. Vendors must meet Local Government Health Regulations and must be able to produce on demand a Certificate of Currency for their Public Liability Insurance. All food vendors are required to complete the New National Food Safety Standard - Food Safety Management Tool. The certificate must be uploaded with the Trade Fair Application before approval of site will be processed. Register at In order to participate in Wagin Woolorama 2025 sugary drinks (e.g. soft drink, energy drinks) cannot be displayed or promoted (e.g. not lined up on a trestle table, countertop or visible from a display fridge).

Vehicles and Parking on Grounds

  1. a. All exhibitor vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area by 8am on Friday morning. Only vehicles with Display Vehicle stickers can remain parked on your site. No movement of Exhibitor's vehicles on grounds is permitted during show operational hours.
  3. b. An allocation of vehicle passes are included in site fees, enabling Exhibitors close access to their site for loading and unloading their exhibit, and parking in the designated Exhibitor parking area within the showgrounds. Passes must be displayed on the dashboard in clear view to gain entry to the Wagin Showgrounds on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Woolorama. Strictly No Pass = No Entry. PLEASE PRINT THESE FROM THE WEBSITE
  5. c. Please ensure you are familiar with the parking arrangements as per the Maps provided on the website.

Privacy Statement

The information provided by the Exhibitor in the Site Application Form is collected and used by the Wagin Agricultural Society Inc. to organise and conduct the 2025 Wagin Woolorama. We may publish details such as your name, address and exhibit details in any Woolorama publication or communication. Such information may also be made available to, and published by the media. We will not disclose your information without your consent for any purpose unless  required or authorised by law. You may request access to your personal information and, if necessary, request that our records of that information be corrected by writing to the Secretary at the Wagin Agricultural Society Inc.