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Results for Wagin Woolorama 2025
Show Results
Most Points Machine Embroidery
R - Needlework ➤ R Needlework
Results for
A1: H. BIGGIN MEMORIAL TROPHY, Group of 2 rams and 2 ewes, any age, bred in W.A. by exhibitor
A2: WOOLORAMA CUP — FARM WEEKLY and ELDERS, Group of 3 Merino rams
A3: TR MURDOCH CUP — FARM WEEKLY and ELDERS, Group of 3 Poll Merino rams
A4: NUTRIEN TROPHY, Group of 3 ewes.
A5: COUNTRYMAN CUP, Merino Pair of the Year
A7: Fine Wool Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A8: Fine Wool Merino Ewe, 2 tooth
A11: Fine Medium Wool Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A12: Fine Medium Wool Merino Ewe, 2 tooth
A14: Medium Wool Merino Ram, 2 tooth
A15: Medium Wool Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A17: Medium Wool Merino Ewe, 4 tooth or over
A18: Strong Wool Merino Ram, 2 tooth
A19: Strong Wool Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A21: Strong Wool Merino Ewe, 4 tooth or over
A22: Fine Wool Poll Merino Ram, 2 tooth
A23: Fine Wool Poll Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A24: Fine Wool Poll Merino Ewe, 2 tooth
A27: Fine Medium Wool Poll Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A28: Fine Medium Wool Poll Ewe, 2 tooth
A29: Fine Medium Wool Poll Ewe, 4 tooth or over
A30: Medium Wool Poll Merino Ram, 2 tooth
A31: Medium Wool Poll Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A32: Medium Wool Poll Merino Ewe, 2 tooth
A33: Medium Wool Poll Merino Ewe, 4 tooth or over
A35: Strong Wool Poll Merino Ram, 4 tooth or over
A36: Strong Wool Poll Merino Ewe, 2 tooth
A37: Strong Wool Poll Merino Ewe, 4 tooth or over
A38: Superfine Wool Ram, any age, Horn
A39: Superfine Wool Ram, any age, Poll
A40: Superfine Wool Ewe, any age, Horn
A41: Superfine Wool Ewe, any age, Poll
A43: Medium Wool Merino Ram Lamb
A44: Strong Wool Merino Ram Lamb
A46: Medium Wool Poll Ram Lamb
A47: Strong Wool Poll Ram Lamb
A49: Medium Wool Ewe Lamb- Merino or Poll Merino
A50: Strong Wool Ewe Lamb- Merino or Poll Merino
A76: Champion Fine Wool Merino Ram
A78: Champion Fine Wool Merino Ewe
A80: Champion Fine Medium Wool Merino Ram
A82: Champion Fine Medium Wool Merino Ewe
A84: Champion Medium Wool Merino Ram
A86: Champion Medium Wool Merino Ewe
A88: Champion Strong Wool Merino Ram
A77: Champion Fine Wool Poll Merino Ram
A85: Champion Medium Wool Poll Merino Ram
A79: Champion Fine Wool Poll Merino Ewe
A81: Champion Fine Medium Wool Poll Merino Ram
A83: Champion Fine Medium Wool Poll Merino Ewe
A87: Champion Medium Wool Poll Merino Ewe
A89: Champion Strong Wool Poll Merino Ram
A91: Champion Strong Wool Poll Merino Ewe
A64: Grand Champion Merino Ewe
A62: Grand Champion Merino Ram
A65: Grand Champion Poll Merino Ewe
A63: Grand Champion Poll Merino Ram
B1: April drop ram, showing milk teeth
B5: April drop Ewe showing milk teeth
B23: Pair of Rams under 1 year showing milk teeth.
B25: Ewe under 1 year showing milk teeth, born in May.
B26: Ewe under 1 year showing milk teeth, born after 1 June.
B28: Group of 1 Ram and 2 Ewes showing milk teeth from previous milk teeth class
B29: Group of three ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B30: Group of two rams and two ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B31: Champion Suffolk Ewe
B39: Ram under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born after 1 June
B40: Pair of Rams under 1 year showing milk teeth.
B42: Ewe under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born after June
B43: Pair of Ewes under 1 year, showing milk teeth.
B44: Group of 1 Ram and 2 Ewes showing milk teeth
B45: Group of three ewes showing milk teeth
B46: Group of two rams and two ewes showing milk teeth
B47: Champion Ile De France Ewe
B54: April drop Ram showing milk teeth
B55: Ram under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born in May
B56: Ram under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born after 1 June
B58: April drop Ewe showing milk teeth
B59: Ewe under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born in May
B64: Group of two rams and two ewes showing milk teeth
B65: Champion Poll Dorset Ram
B72: Ram under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born before 31 May
B74: Pair of Rams under 1 year showing milk teeth.
B75: Ewe under 1 year, showing milk teeth, born before 31 May
B77: Pair of Ewes under 1 year, showing milk teeth.
B78: Group of 1 Ram and 2 Ewes drawn from previous milk teeth class.
B79: Group of three ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes.
B80: Group of two rams and two ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B82: Champion Corriedale Ram
B95: Group of two rams and two ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B89: Ram under 1 year, showing milk teeth
B90: Pair of Rams under 1 year showing milk teeth.
B91: Ewe under 1 year, showing milk teeth
B92: Pair of Ewes under 1 year, showing milk teeth.
B93: Group of 1 Ram and 2 Ewes drawn from previous milk teeth class.
B94: Group of three ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes.
B96: Champion Prime Texel Ewe
B102: Ram born before 1st June showing milk teeth
B103: Ram born after 1st June
B104: Pair of Rams under 1 year showing milk teeth
B105: Ewe born before 1st June showing milk teeth
B106: Ewe born after 1st June
B107: Pair of Ewes under 1 year showing milk teeth
B108: Group of 1 Ram and 2 Ewes drawn from previous milk teeth class.
B109: Group of three ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B110: Group of two Rams and two Ewes showing milk teeth drawn from above classes
B111: Champion Ultra White Ram
C01: One fleece rams, superfine
C02: One fleece rams, fine
C03: One fleece rams, medium
C04: One fleece rams, strong
C05: One fleece ewe or wethers, superfine
D40: Pen of two composite heifers (stipulate breed and month of birth)
D41: Pen of two purebred heifers (give month of birth)
D50: Bull born after 1st April 2024
D51: Bull born between 1st January to the 31st March 2024
D52: Champion Unled Bull
D53: Heifer born after 1st April 2024
D54: Heifer born between 1st January to the 31st March 2023
D06: Heifer, born on or between 7 March and 23 April 2024
D08: Female, born before 1 Jan 2024
D11: Bull born on or between 1 January and 6 March, 2024
D17: Bull, born on or after 24 April 2024
D21: Heifer, born on or after 24 April 2023
D22: Heifer, born on or between 7 March and 23 April 2024
D23: Female born on or between 1 January and 6 March, 2024
O1: WOOLORAMA PORTRAIT – Can be more than head and shoulders
O2: WOOLORAMA LANDSCAPE - Can include water but must not dominate
O3: NATURE "Bees, Blooms, Beasties and Birds"
O4: Face of Australia - An image showing a scene, person, animal or an object that is typically Australian
O6: Open Colour
05: Feed The World - Hay, stock feed, from cultivation to consumption, showing the process. Can include people, animals & machinery. Winners may be used for promotion.
O7: Wagin Chamber of Commerce Local Photo
O10: Emma Ball Photography Prize
O11: Most Successful Exhibitor
P108: Best Exhibit: Metal Craft
P01: Pikelets 4
P02: Iced and decorated Cup Cakes, 4.
P03: Decorated Milk Arrowroot Biscuits, 4.
P04: Chocolate crackles, decorated with sprinkles, 4.
P17: Muffins, Sweet or Savoury, 4.
P18: Chocolate brownies, 4.
P19: Sausage Rolls, 4.
P05: Iced and decorated Cup Cakes, 4.
P06: Pikelets, 4.
P07: Scones, 4 — Plain.
P08: Birthday Cake, iced and decorated
P09: Honey Joys; 4
P10: No Bake Slice, 4 pieces
P11: Iced and decorated Cup Cakes, 4, iced differently.
P12: Scones, 4.
P13: Muffins, Sweet, 4.
P14: Chocolate Chip Biscuits, 4.
P15: Birthday Cake, iced and decorated (1st $5, 2nd $3) .
P21: Drawing, any medium
P22: Painting, any medium
P23: Decorated and/or painted rock
P24: Fruit and veggie critter (a creation made from only fruit and/or vegetables
P26: Item made mainly from commercial construction toy pieces
P27: Drawing, any medium
P28: Painting, any medium
P29: Decorated and/or painted rock.
P30: Fruit and veggie critter (a creation made from only fruit and/or vegetables
P31: Sculpture, recycled materials.
P32: Item made mainly from commercial construction toy pieces
P33: Drawing, any medium
P34: Art, mixed media, must include some collage
P35: Jewellery, handmade from any media.
P36: Greeting card - handmade or computer created.
P37: A Paper Plane – made from A4 paper
P38: Clay item.
P39: Item made mainly from commercial construction toy pieces
P40: Art, mixed media or single medium (eg. painting, drawing, collage, etc)
P43: Any modelled article, Metalwork
P47: Colour.
P49: Digitally altered/manipulated/enhanced.
P53: Black and White
P54: Colour
P55: Digitally altered/ manipulated/ enhanced
P57: Colour
P100: Best Exhibit Craft & Design
P101: Most Points Photography
P102: Best Decorated item
P103: Best Decorated Cake, all age groups
Q01: Any Fur or Fabric Bear.
Q02: Article made completely from natural source (eg raffia, nut, bark, leather, paper etc.)
Q03: Two different handmade cards (quilling, painted, embroidered etc.)
Q04: Any Article made completely from recycled material
Q05: An article of jewellery (mounted on black card)
Q06: Any article with a Christmas theme
Q07: Any article suited for small gift
Q10: Any felted or needle felted article
Q09: Any macrame article
Q11: Two different covered coathangers
Q12: Article suitable for a doorstop
Q13: Any other article not mentioned above.
R01: First Time Sewers 12 yrs & under
R10: Toddler’s garment (1-3 years)
R11: Any other garment
R12: Novelty article
R13: Stuffed toy
R14: Dressed doll (material clothes)
R15: Article suitable for a gift
R16: Embroidered card
R17: Embroidered Christmas Card
R19: Piece of hand embroidery
R20: Piece of STAMPED embroidery e.g. Semco, etc
R21: Piece of Hardanger
R22: Piece of Blackwork
R23: Piece of Pulled Thread Embroidery
R24: Piece of Wool Embroidery
R25: Piece of embroidery using Shaded Stitches
R26: Cushion
R27: Tablecloth / table centrepiece
R30: Article featuring machine embroidery
R31: Piece of Tapestry or Canvas Work
R33: Small cross stitch, framed
R34: Medium cross stitch, framed
R36: Article featuring cross stitch
R41: Small article featuring candlewicking, (eg cushions, coat hangers)
R42: Article featuring candlewicking depicting Flora or Fauna of WA
R43: Any item/article featuring Heirloom sewing
R44: Any article featuring Hand Applique and hand Embroidery – can be hand quilted if liked
R45: Garment/article made from recycled material
R46: Any hand embroidery using any type of mixture of threads, beads, motifs, padded or raised techniques
R47: Any item/article not mentioned
R52: Most Points
R53: Most Points Machine Embroidery
S04: Machine pieced and commercially quilted (2 person) – Any patchwork technique quilted by a commercial quilter. No size limit.
S06: Quilt featuring mainly hand applique – May be hand or machine quilted. No size limit.
S07: Quilt featuring mainly machine applique – May be hand or machine quilted. No size limit.
S02: Quilt made entirely by hand - Any patchwork technique stitched by hand. No size limit
S08: Quilt featuring hand embroidery – Any patchwork technique incorporating hand embroidery, hand or machine quilted. No size limit.
S11: Art quilts – Original concept reflecting obvious deviation from traditional Patchwork and Quilting. May contain any types of surface treatment, with a minimum of 2 layers. No size limit.
S12: Quilt by professional/commercial quilter – Any patchwork and quilting technique and design. No size limit.
S13: Any other article – Any other article patchwork and quilting not mentioned above.
S20: Most Points
S21: Best Exhibit
S01: Theme Quilt - 2025 "Inspired by Nature" - Any patchwork technique and design, hand or machine stitched.
T03: Article suitable for adult
T01: Under-16 – any article or sample (square)
T07: Any knitted toy
T08: Any other article
T09: Under 16 - any article or sample (square)
T16: Any other article
T15: Any crochet toy
T10: Article suitable for a baby or child
T12: Scarf, wrap, shawl or hat
T14: Dressed doll
T13: Any crochet rug
T21: Best Exhibit
T20: Most Points
V01: Adult One Person's Work
V02: Junior One Persons Work
W01: Sponge - not iced or filled.
W06: Decorated Cake, from the Australian Women's Weekly Childrens Birthday Cake Book
W08: Marble Cake - made to recipe
W09: Anzac Biscuits x 6
W11: Shortbread Fingers 7 x 3cm
W14: Savoury Muffins x 4 unglazed
W15: Sweet Muffins x 4 unglazed
W16: Loaf of Bread made in bread machine, any variety
W17: Loaf of Bread, handmade, any variety
W19: Plain Scones x 4 unglazed
W21: Savoury Scones x 4 unglazed
W25: Rocky Roads x 4 pieces
W30: Gingerbread Men x 2, decorated
X01: Onions, White (Three)
X05: Cucumber (long)
X06: Cucumber (apple)
X09: Zucchini (long green)
X11: Tomato (four)
X12: Any other vegetable not specified
X13: Collection of Herbs (green)
X15: Pumpkin: Jarrahdale or Queensland Blue
X16: Watermelon
X17: Rockmelon
X18: Rhubarb (6 sticks)
X21: Apples: Green (three)
X22: Passionfruit (six only)
X28: Any other fruit not specified
X31: Most Points Classes 1-10
X32: Most Points Classes 18-28
Y01: Plum Jam (1 jar)
Y02: Apricot Jam (1 jar)
Y03: Fig Jam (1 jar)
Y04: Strawberry Jam (1 jar)
Y05: Jam any variety
Y06: Marmalade (1 jar) made with Orange
Y08: Lemon Cheese (1 jar)
Y09: Chutney (1 jar)
Y10: Pickles (1 jar)
Y11: Tomato Sauce
Y12: Preserved Beetroot
Y14: Tomato Relish
Y15: Pickled Onions
Y17: Dried Fruit any variety
Y19: Collections of one person’s Dried Fruit (any variety) displayed on a tray.
Y20: Collection of one person's Jams or Preserves displayed in a basket
Y21: Most Points Jams & Preserves
Y22: Best Exhibit Jams and Preserves
Entry No:
Cheryl Hobley, Wa