Teams are to comprise of two people - grandparent and grandchild (do not have to be biological). Teams are to bake and decorate two gingerbread men. Size and decorations are to be left to the teams’ discretion. Please note that one gingerbread man will lose his foot/leg in the judging process.
Head Steward | Alannah Boxall M: 0474 509 825 E:
Entry Fee | FREE
Entries Close | ENTRIES ACCEPTED UNTIL 11AM Wednesday, 6 March
Entry Form | Enter online or see centre pages of this schedule (blue form)
Prize money | 1st $5; 2nd $3; unless otherwise stated
Prize Money can be collected from the Woolorama Office 10am to 11.30am on Saturday.
Instructions | Entries to be in position before 11am Wednesday 6 March
Judging | Wednesday 6 March at 1pm
CONDITIONS Please read carefully