Event | Woolorama Clean Shear Competition
Dates | Saturday 8 March
Head Steward | Shane Dawson M: 0428 611 697 shanesfone@gmail.com
Entry Fee | Classes 1-4 $60; Novice – $20 fees subsidised by AWI
Entries | Online Entries close Friday 21 February at 5pm. Entries received online by 21 February will receive gate passes. NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED ON THE DAY! Entries are to be applied on line.
Competition | Commences 8.30am Saturday 8 March 2025
Presentation | Saturday 8 March at 4pm
Insurance Disclaimer: Competitors enter at their own risk and it is a good idea (in my opinion anyway) for us all to have that somewhere in the info out. Darkan have just put out their entry form and this says: "It is understood that when participating in this competition, that I shall provide my own insurance and be responsible for my own welfare on the day of the competition. It is also understood that I shall not, in any way, intentional or unintentional, threaten or endanger the welfare of any other competitor or spectator and be responsible for my own actions."