(under 16 years of age)
Event | Woolorama Poultry Show
Dates | Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2025
Head Steward | Joe O'Brien (Mob 0429 906 899)
Stewards | Leanne Owen, Alisan Wyatt, Ann O'Brien
Entry Fee | Poultry $3 and Eggs $1
Entries Close | Postal entries: 28th February 2025; Online entries: 28th Feb 2025
Enter online or see centre pages of the schedule. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED
Prize Money | Poultry: 1st $10; 2nd $8; 3rd $3. Eggs: 1st: $5; 2nd $2
Judging | Commences promptly at 9:30am Friday March 7th
If the judge determines that the quality of the exhibits in a Class are not of a sufficient standard, he or she may elect not to award a first, second or third in the Class. In this case, special donations or trophies for the class may be held over to the following year
Penning | To be completed by 8.30am Friday (Shed will be opened Thursday 6th March between 3:30pm - 6pm for penning. Please Note: Your birds are your responsibility) An exemption to bring birds on Thursday afternoon/evening can be applied for with the Head Steward.
Unpenning | Saturday 8th March @ 4pm
Presentations | Saturday 8th March after Judging has been completed
Conditions of entry | Owners are responsible for feeding and watering birds. Birds are to be Disease and Parasite free or the bird will be removed from the shed.
General information