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D16: Female, born before 1 Jan 2024

D - Cattle ➤ Cattle Breed ➤ Bos Indicus type Fri 7th Mar 2025 - Sat 8th Mar 2025

Event  |  Commonwealth Bank Cattle Expo
Dates  |  Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2025
Head Steward  | Ed Porter (0429 699 051)
Stewards  |  L Hall, K Wise,  P McDougall, K Ballard, C Watkins, B Johnson, M Kitchen
Office  |  A Hall, C Ballard
Entries Close  |  Friday 28 Feb at 5pm NO LATE ENTRIES
Entry Fee  |  $12 Members, $18 Non-members (includes GST) Exhibitor must be current Financial Member if claiming Member rate | Group classes entry $20
Prize Money  |  First $30, Second $20, Third $10. Second and third places will only receive prize money under full competition.
Penning  |  All cattle to be penned by 8.30am Friday 7 March
Judging Commences  |  Friday 9am for stud cattle | Unled Cattle Judging time not before 10am FRIDAY 7 March.
Presentation time |   Saturday 12pm, Cattle Complex

1. Points towards 'MOST POINTS' prize to be won under competition.
2. All animals in classes 1-40 MUST be registered as “purebred” with their breed society.
3. All animals must have bull rings or clips in nose when parading and double tied in stalls.(All bulls over 1 year must have permanent nose rings)
4. Stock bedding supplied by Society.
5. Weighing of all bulls to be completed by 9am FRIDAY 7 March.
6. Neck cards to be worn on chest plate by exhibitor during judging.
7. Exhibitors must provide Breed Uniforms for handlers during judging.
8. Breed Uniforms may not carry personal Stud names during judging.
9. No exhibit may depart before 3pm SATURDAY 8 March.
10. DISPLAY ONLY area for Stud animals will be provided subject to the above conditions.
11. Subject to entries some classes may be combined or divided at the organisers' discretion.
12. ALL CATTLE entered must be identified with an NLIS electronic device, accompanied by a waybill, and PIC number on entry form. Waybills to be delivered to Cattle Office.
13. NO clipping shutes or blowers in the shed.
14. All cattle including unlead cattle to be penned by 8.30am Friday.
15. In the event of an excess number of entries in one class, at stewards discretion, may be split into two classes.
16. All cattle are to be tested and certified BVDV free and to come with a declaration accompanying entry form to confirm.

A. All normal conditions apply unless stated below
B. Registered animals eligible for breed classes
C. No limitation on number of entries
D. Open to heifers bred by Agricultural Colleges/School Farms only
E. Unregistered animals eligible

A. Open to all cattle producers in WA.
B. The breeding, month and year of birth must be stipulated on the entry form.
C. All animals must carry the owner’s earmark and NLIS electronic device.
D. Animals to be nominated in pens of two.
E. There is no restriction on the number of entries.
F. Exhibits should be penned no later than 8.30am FRIDAY 7 MARCH.
G. Entry Fee will be $20 (inc GST) per pen of two animals.
H. Judging will take place at 10am FRIDAY.
I. Scoring Calculations (for pair classes only):
Structural soundness ____________________40
Femininity _____________________________30
Evenness of pen ________________________15
Judge's discretion (temperament) __________15


D50 Bull Born After 1st April 2024

D51 Bull born between 1st January to 31st March 2024

D53 Heifer born after 1st April 2024

D54 Heifer born between 1st January to 31st March 2024

A. Open to all cattle producers in WA.
B. The breeding, month and year of birth must be stipulated on the entry form.
C. All animals must carry the owner’s earmark and NLIS electronic device.
D. There is no restriction on the number of entries.
E. Exhibits should be penned no later than 8.30am FRIDAY 7 MARCH.
F. Entry Fee will be $20 (inc GST) .
H. Judging will take place at 10am FRIDAY.

I. Animals to be placed on merit 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Winner of Champion Unled Bull - $500

Winner Champion Unled Heifer - $500

Grand Champion Unled Exhibit - $1000


• Three entries only per class per school or participating stud
• No late entries
• No substitutions

Livestock vehicle passes are issued upon receipt of entries.
No vehicle will be permitted on the grounds without a pass.

Cattle Prize Money ______________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Supreme Exhibit ________________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Champion Specialty Breeds ____________________________________Harley Dykstra
Champion Euro Type ____________________________________ Nutrien Ag Solutions
Champion British Type __________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Champion Bos Indicus Type ______________________Country Wide Insurance Brokers
Multibreed Champion Bull _____________________________Commonwealth Bank
Multibreed Champion Female ______________________________Nutrien Ag Solutions
Pair of Bulls _____________________________________________DE Engineers, Zoetis
Pair of Females __________________________________________DE Engineers, Zoetis
Sire Progeny Group of Three __________________________________________ Virbac
Classes 1-40 winners ______________________________________________ Milne Agri
Group Interschool Heifer Challenge __________________________Nutrien Ag Solutions
Interschool Handler Competition _________________________________DE Engineers
Pen of two composite heifers – __________________________________Produce Link
Pen of two purebred heifers __________________________________DSY Engineering
Grand Champion Unled Heifer Pair_____________________________DSY Engineering
Champion Unled Bull ____________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Champion Unled Heifer __________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Grand Champion Unled Exhibit ____________________________Commonwealth Bank
Junior Parader Classes (3 age groups)_____________________________Harley Dykstra
Junior Beef Cattle Judging______________________________________Harley Dykstra
Most Points Unled Cattle _______________________________________DE Engineers
Most Points Stud Cattle __________________________________Commonwealth Bank
Most Points Overall (Stud and Unled) _______________________Commonwealth Bank

Commonwealth Bank Cattle Expo

Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2025

Head Steward - E Porter (0429 699 05))
Stewards - L Hall, K Wise, M Kitchen, P McDougall, K Ballard, CWatkins,
                  B Johnson, A Hall, C Ballard
Office         Friday 28 February at 5pm NO LATE ENTRIES
Entries Close - This closing date allows time for passes to be posted.
$12 Members, $)8 Non-members (includes GST)
Exhibitor must be current Financial Member if claiming
Member rate
Group classes entry $20
See centre pages o( th$s schedule (cream (orm)
First $30, Second $20, Th$rd $10. Second and third places will
only receive prize money under (ull competition.
All cattle to be penned by 8.30am !riday 8 March
Commences Friday 9am (or stud cattle.
Saturday )'pm, Cattle Comp#ex

Entry Fee:  
*Member Fee:  
* - In order to get a member fee, chosen Exhibitor must have valid membership. Get Membership.
Class is currently closed for entry.